Health & Fitness

How cough can be cured by Ayurveda

Torex Cough Syurp

Cough is not a disease, but an obstruction that your upper respiratory tract faces. It is known to originate within the pleura linings of the bronchial tubes, lungs etc. As per Ayurveda cough is termed as Kaasa Yoga and it is considered to be arising from vita dosha. In the market there are various Ayurveda remedies in the form of Torex Herbal syrup in India that provides you with instant relief from cough.

  • Vataja cough is termed as dry in nature with a certain amount of phelegm is observed. Headache along with pain in the chest region are some of the symptoms that you will find
  • In pittaja cough yellow septum is witnessed that at certain point of time could be accompanied by blood streaks. The symptoms of it could be excessive thrist , fever, accompanied by a burning sensation
  • With Kaphala cough you could witness a thick mucus discharge that is white and slim in colour. Even the body goes on to feel a bit heavy

Diet implications in order to cure cough in a natural way

  • As part of the diet incorporate old rice.
  • Keep away from cold foods as it only aggravates the throat region. Even the water you are consuming has to be warm
  • An effective remedy to deal with cough is fennel seeds and for quick and effective results it is better you consume it along with figs
  • Fruits or vegetables should not be consumed in excess because it might cool the body. Green bananas, water melons or oranges have to be strictly avoided

Home remedies to be dealing with cough

  • You have to mix clove oil with honey along with garlic and before hitting bed at night consume it. On consumption it helps to get rid of spasmodic cough that takes place in asthma.
  • Take a few basil leaves and to prepare a mixture combine it with honey and ginger. If you feel that cough is persistent and serious ailments might pave way then to eliminate this problem take the mixture
  • You can prepare ginger extract and mix it with honey. Around 3 to 4 teaspoons have to be taken daily. For sure it is expected to provide you positive results
  • If you experience persistent cough at night then it can be solved by putting 3 to 4 pepper pieces in your mouth. You have to chew it slowly and enable it to reach your mouth. Once there is pepper in your mouth an urge to cough is automatically reduced as expect the person to be sleeping peacefully at night
  • You can prepare cardamom powder and mix it with water. This mixture has to be consumed three times in a day and be assured you can keep all types of cough at bay.
  • With figs you can prevent build up of phlegm that accumulates within the chest activity and removes cough

By following the above remedies you can obtain relief from cough. But if it becomes series it is better to consult a doctor.

Lucio Merlini
Lucio Merlini is passionate about developing and promoting content. He honed his writing skills to reflect both creative and analytical styles and tell stories in an innovative way.

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